Buy Burmese Magic Mushrooms Online
Buy Burmese Magic Mushrooms strain Online from a legal magic mushrooms online store in Ann Arbor usa shipping worldwide. Burmese Magic Mushrooms are famously known for their above average potency. This shrooms is of the species Psilocybe Cubensis, a popular and fast growing specimen. This strain was first discovered by John W. Allen, an amateur ethnomycologiest who has discovered many strains of magic mushrooms around the world. This strain was given to John W. Allen by one of his students in Burma and this strain can be traced back to that original strain.
Users report Burmese Magic Mushrooms to have a strong high but with reduced amounts of deep insight. The effects of magic mushrooms will depend greatly on your set and setting and will differ from person to person. Let us know how you feel after consuming Burmese shrooms in our reviews. Buy Burmese Magic Mushrooms strain Online
After 10-30 minutes of consuming Burmese mushrooms you will feel your mood enhanced with euphoria and excitement. Depending on dosage you will experience mild to intense visual enhancements. Things may seem like they are breathing, the nature around you will feel more alive and you will find yourself in introspective thought. Music and art will look and feel different and you will have a higher appreciation and you may relate the music or art to yourself on a more personal level. The most common museum dose (0.5-1.5g) and moderate dose (2-3.5g) should provide you with a 3-6 hour trip
Matthew –
Added these to my microdose regimen and love them
Anonymous –
Very potent! Be sure of dosage before ingesting.
Anonymous –
First time trying the Burmese – they were highly visual and deeply emotional. All around a great trip though likely not for first timers.
Robin –
feeling good
Steven Carter –
I haven’t tried them yet.
Kyle –
Says they’re more potent than other beginner strains and I found this to be false. 1.5g of Golden Teachers was more potent and effective than 2.5g of Burmese.
Adam –