Buy LSD Online

What is LSD?

Buy LSD online (d-lysergic acid diethylamide)—also known as acid, blotter and dots—is a powerful hallucinogenic drug manufactured from lysergic acid, which is found in a fungus that grows on rye and other grains.

Order LSD Online – The  Most Well-known Psychedelic Drug

Users take LSD for its psychotropic effects (trips), which usually last about 12 hours. LSD is primarily taken orally, either in the form of tablets, capsules, liquid or decorated absorbent paper that is dissolved on the tongue.

Psychological LSD effects depend largely on dosage, the user’s state of mind while using and their previous experiences. They include:

  • feeling several emotions at once
  • altered sense of time
  • extreme emotional swings
  • delusions and hallucinations; hearing, seeing and feeling things that are not there
  • impaired judgment
  • false sense of invincibility; heightened risk of accidents
  • “bad trips,” or frightening highs
  • flashbacks that can occur weeks or months after initial trip
  • dissociative states and wandering may occur when LSD is mixed with other drugs

Get cheap LSD Acid blotters delivered to your doorstep

LSD is not physically addictive, but many users develop psychological addictions to it, meaning they feel as though they need LSD even though they are not chemically dependent on it.

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